You may have encountered the error message “Warp Stabilizer and Speed cannot be used on the same Clip” or the “Warp Stabilizer and Time Remapping can’t be used on the same clip” error. These errors occur when the Warp Stabilizer and Speed/Time Remapping conflict with each other. In this article, you will find a simple fix for this error to achieve your desired video results. Depending on your system settings, you might also have seen the error in your system language. A few errors that can be fixed with the following steps are displayed in the table below.
Steps to Fix the “Warp Stabilizer and Speed cannot be used on the same Clip” Error:
Step 1: Set Speed to 100%
In the Effect Controls panel, make sure that the speed of the clip you want to stabilize and modify the speed of is set to a speed of 100%. You’ll be able to change the speed later on. If you’ve already changed the speed, you can copy the speed/time remapping settings to the clipboard and apply them later.
Step 2: Apply the Warp Stabilizer Effect
Apply the Warp Stabilizer effect by navigating to “Effects” > “Video Effects” > “Distort” > “Warp Stabilizer.” Adjust the settings as desired to stabilize the footage.
Step 3: Nest the Sequence
Right-click on the clip in the timeline and select “Nest.” This will create a nested sequence that contains the clip with the Warp Stabilizer effect.
Step 4: Adjust Speed in the Nested Sequence
Adjust the speed of the nested clip using the Speed/Duration option in the Effect Controls panel or by right-clicking on the clip and selecting “Speed/Duration.” You can now change the speed of the clip without conflicting with the Warp Stabilizer effect.

Batch Analysis for Warp Stabilizer
Effortlessly stabilize multiple clips in Adobe Premiere Pro with the Batch Stabilization extension. Say goodbye to manual stabilization and achieve smooth, professional-looking footage in just a few clicks.
Localized Error messages:
System Language | Error |
German | Verkrümmungsstabilisierung und Geschwindigkeit können nicht auf denselben Clip angewendet warden Verkrümmungsstabilisierung und Zeit-Neuzuordnung können nicht auf denselben Clip angewendet werden |
Spanish | No se pueden utilizar el Estabilizador de deformación y la Velocidad en el mismo clip No se pueden utilizar el Estabilizador de deformación y la Reasignación del tiempo en el mismo clip |
Italian | Non è possibile usare sia Stabilizzatore alterazione che Velocità sulla stessa clip Non è possibile usare sia Stabilizzatore alterazione che Modifica tempo sulla stessa clip” |
French | La stabilisation de déformation et la vitesse ne peuvent pas être utilisées sur le même élément. La stabilisation de déformation et le remappage temporel ne peuvent pas être utilisés sur le même élément. |
Portugese | O Estabilizador de distorção e a Velocidade não podem ser usados no mesmo clipe O Estabilizador de distorção e o Remapeamento de tempo não podem ser usados no mesmo clipe |
Japanese | ワープスタビライザーと速度は同じクリップで使用できません ワープスタビライザーとタイムリマップは同じクリップで使用できません |
Korean | 흔들림 안정화와 속도를 동일한 클립에 사용할 수 없습니다. 흔들림 안정화와 시간 다시 매핑을 동일한 클립에 사용할 수 없습니다 |
By following the steps above, you can easily resolve any of the listed errors. Applying the Warp Stabilizer and Speed effects separately, by nesting the clip in Adobe Premiere Pro, allows you to achieve smooth, stabilized footage while also making adjustments to the speed of the clip. This is particularly useful for time warps, time lapses, or very smooth slow-motion footage, as it allows you to maintain stability while also achieving the desired speed changes for your video. Give it a try in your next project and enjoy smooth, stabilized footage with customized speed adjustments!